I'm still standing (posted by Ann)
Guess who is flying on Lufthansa in the middle of a pilot strike?? Yes, that would be me. I am on a three week odyssey flying to Frankfurt, then Madrid, then stay through Saturday, then to Frankfurt, then to Bangalore, India, then stay for two weeks, then to Frankfurt, then to Chicago (finally!). And all of it on Lufthansa.
At this moment I am cooling my heels in the Frankfurt airport since the pilot strike caused Lufthansa to cancel my flight Frankfurt to Madrid. Get this - first they cancelled the flight, then the pilots decide at the last moment not to go on strike. Did they reinstate the flight? Of course not. So I have a six hour layover in Frankfurt, and arrive in Madrid at the end of the day rather than in the morning.
If you look at what the pilots are actually saying they didn't really cancel the strike, they may have deferred the strike. Which means they have two more opportunities to get me. Not that I'm feeling persecuted or anything, mind you.
Just in case anyone needs to find me, here is a time zone chart for my trip.
Sun 1:00 PM - Chicago = Sun 8:00 PM - Madrid = Mon 12:30 AM - Bangalore
It's almost 12 hours difference, and who knew there were 30 minute time zones?
Sorry for no pictures still, I decided it would be a good idea for me to move all my pictures from my laptop to the server at home and I am going to have to reinstall Photoshop to get it to recognize the changes. That and find where I put all my pictures on the server, which shouldn't be that hard to do and yet I haven't gotten it done. I have a couple of really pretty baby sweaters (no surprise there!) and am almost done with my first lace shawl. I'm looking forward to posting the before blocking and after blocking pictures.
Hope all is well and that you haven't frozen solid on top of your mountain.
P.S. Don is going to start teaching security classes, so he and Steve will be able to talk shop!
P.S.S. Steve is prepping for his hiking trip out west, and I am applying duct tape to my mouth daily to keep from asking all the Mom questions - like where will you stay? how long will you be gone? what will you eat? are you sure Wessler's car will make it? etc. etc. So far I've been very restrained. I'm trying to smile, wave goodbye, and let it go. Just let it go.