*blink* (posted by Lani)
Tell Don I said "Nice landing!" And I'm not being sarcastic -- I can think of all sorts of ways that could have turned out not as well as it did (curly propellers notwithstanding). I think it's hysterical that his friend took all those pictures, although I guess that's a guy thing ... bragging rights and all that. They both definitely get bragging rights for that.
And Steve? It's love. Love of you and love of brownies. You can have both, you know, as my Steve reminded me with a hopeful look when I read him that portion of your post. I hope your Steve is having a wonderful time, and his itinerary looks FABULOUS.
I found a copy of the Ballband Dishrag pattern from Mason Dixon Knitting online, yay for me! Natalie, creator of the great string bag pattern, actually has the book; I've asked her whether, aside from that pattern, it's worth actually buying and I'll be interested to hear her take on it. And speaking of Natalie's bags, did you finish yours? And have you used them yet? I've finished my two and have quite a bit of cotton left, so I'll probably cast on a "warshrag" this week and check it out. It looks like a brainless, fun pattern.
I've done nothing whatsoever on my Tempting this weekend, or on anything else crafty aside from picking up some pink girly yarn for a baby blanket for Mel. I thought about knitting it but I think I'll take the coward's way out and crochet it instead; I KNOW I can knock out a beautiful crocheted blanket quickly, and my knitting confidence isn't that high. I did pick up a pattern for an adorable baby hoodie that's knitted, though, and I may try that down the line.
So what did I do this weekend? Well -- I've done umpty-seven loads of laundry, talked to Steve about our broken camera, gone grocery shopping, looked at new cameras, cleaned my house, forwarded camera links to Steve, played with the kitten, bitched about not having a working camera, consoled the poor dog who is being traumatized by said kitten (he's totally overcome his fear of dogs and now appears to consider Pippen as something like a large spotted jungle gym, I've GOT to get pictures), pointed out all the missed photo opportunities due to lack of a functional camera, cooked lots of meals, muttered about the lack of working cameras in this house, and done some furniture shopping. I want new tables for the living room and need some type of storage option for the dvds/tapes/video games. Oh, and a new camera! Until then I leave you with this:
Jim and Alex, at the Club.