I'm Back. (posted by Lani)
Or backish, anyway. No, I don't have the results of the biopsy yet, but I'm confident that it will be negative and once my leg heals up life will get back to normal. Steve has been a trooper through all of this; I don't know what I would have done without him, seriously. And I'm feeling better today, still hurting but I was actually able to get up and get to the living room without (much) help. Which is good, since I was getting really, really tired of the bedroom, both bed and chair. It was cloudy and gloomy outside, but it's hard to feel cloudy and gloomy inside when you look up and there's a rainbow outside your living room window
and little visitors like this guy, who greatly appreciates at my one remaining hummingbird feeder (I do have an absolutely beautiful blown glass feeder that Mom bought me for my birthday to put up, but it's going to have to wait until I feel better because Steve doesn't want the responsibility of putting it up and having something happen to it).
I've identified at least two types of regular hummingbird visitors, black-chinned and this little broad-tailed. You can't see his spectacular red throat in this picture, but it's definitely there. We have more birds here than you can believe, and watching and listening to them has kept me sane. Or at least somewhat sane, which is probably as much as I can ask right now.
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